Material testing plays a key role in the construction process…
including quality control testing for the contractor and quality assurance testing for the owner. Materials’ testing is instrumental in ensuring the quality of work meets the expectations of the contractors, engineers and the owners. With both laboratory testing and field testing, we can help make sure everyone gets the product that is deserved.
- Sieve Analysis
- Percent of Mechanically Fractured Faces
- Percent of Flat and Elongated Particles
- Uncompacted Void Content of Fine Aggregate
- Specific Gravity and Absorption of Course and Fine Aggregate
- Sand Equivalent
- Unit Weight
- Sulfate Soundness
- Los Angeles Abrasion
- Clay Lumps and Friable Particles
- Light Weight Particles
Accredited test methods include:
- R76//C702
- T11/C117
- T27/C136
- T84/C128
- T85/C127
- T176/D2419
- T255/C566
- T304/C1252
- T335/D5821
- D4791
- Nuclear Density Testing
- Sand Cone Density Testing
- Atterberg Limits
- Standard and Modified Proctor
- Natural Moisture Content
- Minus #200 Wash
- Soil Specific Gravity
- Hydrometer Analysis
- Soil Classification
Accredited test methods include:
- R58/D421
- T89/D4318
- T90/D4318
- T99/D698
- T180/D1557
- Asphalt Mix Design
- Asphalt Mix Verification
- Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity
- Asphalt Core Density and Thickness
- Stability and Flow
- Ignition of Aggregate and Asphalt Content
- Tensile Strength Retained
Accredited test methods include:
- R47
- R68//D6929
- T166/D2726
- T209/D2041
- T245/D6927
- T269/D3203
- T283/D4867
- T308/D6307
- Temperature of Freshly Mixed Concrete
- Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete
- Slump
- Density (Unit Weight) of Freshly Mixed Concrete
- Curing and Compressive Strength of Cylinders
- Curing and Flexural Strength of Beams